Paul Quinnett A man with two careers, Paul Quinnett is both an outdoor writer and a
clinical psychologist. An award-winning journalist with over 500 stories, essays
and columns published in America's premier outdoor magazines, he has also
written five books in psychology for the lay and professional reader.
His outdoor writing credits include AUDUBON, AMERICAN FORESTS, FIELD AND
ROD AND REEL, and many others. Several of his stories have been anthologized.
He's published essays in Such wide ranging publications as NEW YORK TIMES and
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY. His mentor and best- selling humorist, Patrick F. McManus, in
a serious moment, once wrote, "Paul Quinnett is one of the finest essayists
writing today."
Paul's recent Pavlov's Trout: The Incompleat Psychology of Everyday
Fishing is his first attempt to bring the two great loves of his life
together. The book examines such phenomena as why fishermen lie, why they spit
on their baits, and how any innocent child can be positively addicted to sport
fishing instead of negatively addicted to drugs. From philosophy to ethics to
the neuropsychology of fly selection, the book has been predicted to become a
fishing classic. His new book Darwin's Bass has also been released and is
very well accepted'.
Married to Pam for more than three decades, he helped raise three sons to
enjoy the Great Outdoors.

Dave Corcoran lives one of those idyllic life-styles that we all wish we
could trade places for. As a veteran western fly fishing guide and purveyor of
piscatorial paraphernalia from his renowned fly fishing shop: The River's Edge
in Bozeman, Montana, Dave Corcoran is a lucky guy. For the past 15 years, Dave
and his wife Lynn, have been catering to the whims of visiting fly fishers from
across the globe. Their shop is a "must" stop for anyone who has had
the pleasure of visiting there at least once.
But this wasn’t always Dave's world. After graduating from St. Lawrence
University in upstate New York, Dave joined the corporate ranks pursuing the
next promotion and salary increase. Moves from New York to Houston to Atlanta
were enough to convince Dave that life is too short not to spend living it.
Having spent years fly fishing in Montana, he knew where to go to "get
away". Fortunately, his very understanding wife Lynn liked the idea. A
quick phone call to his Montana friend Bud Lilly and they were both hired for
the coming season. Dave and Lynn quit their jobs, sold their house, bought a
Jeep Wagoneer and as they say, the rest is history. After four years working for
Bud Lilly in West Yellowstone, Dave and Bud's son Greg Lilly left and opened The
River's Edge- in Bozeman. Five years ago Dave bought Greg's interest in the
business and it’s been one long adventure ever since.
When not fly fishing or bird hunting in Montana, Dave is certain to be headed
South to warmer climates and his second great love, salt water fly fishing. His
annual treks to Belize, Mexico, the Florida Keys, Andros Island in the Bahamas
and the like only reinforce the commitment Dave has for our great sport.
In addition to Dave's gift for fly fishing, his skills as a photographer,
writer, video and television personality have not gone unnoticed. ESPN was quick
to grab Dave for their fly fishing in Montana video. A weekly television program
this year, as well as the publishing of his most recent article on Fall Fly
Fishing in Montana, have made Dave a recognized member of the fly fishing

Warren Duncan lives in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. Warren is a supervisor
in an oil company in St. John.
He also owns a fly shop in St. John: Dunc's Fly Shop and yet still manages to go
salmon fishing constantly. He practices what he preaches and develops new and
perfects old patterns each year.
Warren is a Master salmon fly tyer and is widely known throughout the world for
his expertise in teaching and guest speaking.
His flies are almost too beautiful to use and yet the most
effective of any salmon fly patterns to date.
Warren does workshops which are private fly tying clinics and
hands on tying. He presents slide shows on salmon fishing and flies which
coupled with his marvelous wit keeps his audiences enthralled with the beauty of
his photography and laughing from his delightful narration. Warren is a delight
to be around and one of the best teachers/tyers in the business. He is in great
demand by shops and clubs interested in salmon fishing and flies.

Gary Bulla

Gary Bulla grew up on the beaches and waters of the Southern
California coast.
A long-time fly fisherman, Gary was introduced to the concept
of casting in salt water by his friend Yvon Chouinard, who liked to go after
surf perch near his local beach home. Gary found salt-water fly fishing to
combine his long-time love for the ocean and his passion for fly fishing with
the convenience of having big fish right at his back door. He quickly realized
that there was not a great deal of information out there about catching
salt-water species on the fly and began to use his knowledge of tides and tidal
life to not only chase down surf perch, but corbina, halibut, and sea bass. Over
the next few years, he spent his early mornings and late evenings patrolling the
beaches, casting from shore, cruising the kelp beds in his kayak, and developing
flies that would attract the many varieties of fish found on the So. Calif.
Coast. His "Gremmie" was recently
featured in California Flyfisher magazine.
During this time, he began accompanying his wife, Theresa, a
teacher of marine biology, on trips with school children to Baja’s Magdelena
Bay to view the grey whales and their young. He brought a fly rod and he became
astounded at the incredible variety of fish (some of them larger than anything
he ever imagined could be caught on the fly) that were available in the waters
of Baja. This began a second quest and more years of experimentation that have
led to his being one of the most active guides for Baja waters and one of the
most knowledgeable salt-water fly-fishers from Point Conception to the Sea of
Cortez. He has landed over 75 species of fish in the salt. He guides kayaking
flyfishing trips to Espiritu Santo Island several times a year, in addition to
leading blue water trips for large game. Back at home he teaches and guides
flyfishing in the surf in southern California waters.
When Gary is not working the tide line he can be found at his
Architectural Woodworks shop in Santa Paula, where he pursues his other passion
as a master woodworker.
For information about guided salt surf or kayak fishing, or
trips to Baja call 805 933 1366 (day)

Dave Hughes
 Dave Hughes, our speaker at the July 7th club meeting is a major contributor
to fly fishing literature, as well as a consummate trout angler.
Dave grew up in Astoria, OR, and now lives in Portland, OR. He has been fly fishing for
more than 30 years, and writing and presenting slide shows about fly fishing for nearly 20
years. His specialty is fly fishing for trout, including the study of trout stream and
still water insects that trout eat.
Most of his travels have been in the Rocky Mountain West and Far West, but he has
fished Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Japan, and often in Canada.
Dave has written articles, essays, and fiction for most of the major magazines,
including Fly Fisherman, Fly Rod & Reel, the Flyefishers, Fly Fishing, Outdoor Life,
and Field and Stream. His twenty books include the classic Western Hatches written
with Rick Hafele, and Tactics for Trout, Reading the Water. He has also written Strategies
for Stillwater, Western Streamside Guide, Deschutes, River of Renewal. His latest
books include Fly Fishing Basics, Dry Fly Fishing, Wet Flies, and Trout Flies.

David Lambroughton
Our speaker for the June 9, 1999 meeting, David Lambroughton, has
been fishing in British Columbia since working cattle ranches there summers during high
school and college . Hes been a guide on the Fall River, Alaska, Oregon, Montana,
Idaho, and the steelhead rivers of BC. Hes worn out passports fishing Argentina,
Chile, Russia, China, Costa Rica, Belize, England, Scotland, Europe, Mexico, and
Now David divides his time between BC and NZ, his two favorite places on earth.
His specialty is acting as a travel consultant for those wanting to book a fishing
trip to New Zealand, British Columbia, or points in between.
You can visit his new website at

Leon Chandler
"America's Ambassador of Fly Fishing"
After spending his early years on a small farm on the edge of the Missouri Ozarks, Leon
Chandler migrated to Central New York State in 1941. In December of that year, at age 19,
he joined the Cortland Line Company, Cortland, NY. During the next 50 years, until his
retirement in 1992, he contributed to the success of his company and to the growth of
sport fishing throughout the world. He is best known for his positive influence in the
realm of fly fishing, because of his tireless efforts to promote the sport and to care for
the resource on which it depends.
Chandler actively participated in affairs of the American Fishing Tackle Manufacturers
Association for many years, serving as the elected President of AFTMA for two years,
1969-1970. During 1962 he was a member of a select committee that developed the AFTMA
System of marking fly lines according to weight (DT6F, etc.) rather than the older,
archaic, system based on diameter (HDH, etc.). He served twenty-two years on the Board of
Directors of National Trout Unlimited - and as TU's National President for two years,
Most people know Leon Chandler for his untiring efforts to promote fly fishing through
appearances at fishing clubs, outdoor shows, films, TV and the print media during four and
a half decades. Unquestionably, he has demonstrated fly-casting and fly fishing skills
before more people than has anyone now living. After appearing at dozens of the large U.
S. outdoor shows during the 1950's he went international during the 1960's. Under
sponsorship of the U. S. Commerce and State Departments, he demonstrated American fishing
tackle and techniques at U. S. Trade Fair exhibits in Helsinki, Finland (1961), Poznan,
Poland (1963), Budapest, Hungary (1965) and Berlin, Germany (1969). Perhaps his greatest
overseas accomplishment was in Japan, where he is widely credited for having introduced
fly fishing to that country through 6 promotional visits beginning in 1972 and continuing
into 1997. Thousands of Japanese fly fishermen are now using techniques first taught by a
soft spoken, gentle man "Chandler-san from America".
Now retired, true to his allegiance to his adopted New York State, Leon lives in the
upstate village of Homer, NY. During trout season he can frequently be found, with his
motor home, on favorite Catskill streams - or roaming around Montana, Idaho or Wyoming,
enjoying the sport that has played such a dominant role in his life for so many years.

Lori-Ann Murphy has been a professional fishing guide in Idaho,
Wyoming, and Montana. She is owner and operator of Reel Women Fly Fishing Adventures
and is the Orvis Women's School Director in Jackson, Wyoming. She was fly-fishing
consultant for Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon on the movie The River Wild.
She has been featured on several fly fishing television shows
Reel Women Fly Fishing
Adventures offers a unique opportunity for a women of any ability to travel to world
class fishing destinations.
Reel Women, Inc.
P.O. Box 289
Victor, ID 83455
208 787 2657